On March 6, 2019, Aivar Jaeski, Estonia branch head and country manager for Estonia and Finland of RB Rail AS, participated in a conference on Interreg projects and TEN-T Policy implementation.

In a discussion on implementing mega projects, urban nodes, and clean fuel development, Aivar Jaeski highlighted the role of Rail Baltica as the missing link in the railway infrastructure in Europe and explained how the project has fostered cooperation amongst the European railway industry representatives. To illustrate, he noted that supplier contracts have been awarded to companies and consortiums from across Europe.
In the discussion, Aivar Jaeski also expanded on the socio-economic benefits that the project is expected to bring to the Baltic region. Some of them include increased exports due to improved allocation of resources and a more efficient service performance, together with better access to healthcare, labour market, as well as improved tourism opportunities.
The conference Regions, Corridors and Urban Nodes – Competences, Capitalisation and Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region, took place in Brussels, and was organised by the three Interreg BSR Programme projects: NSB CoRe, Scandria®2Act and TENTacle.