BIM and GIS Knowledge Center

Since 2018, when RB Rail started the BIM and GIS implementation for Rail Baltica Global Project, we have accumulated and gained a lot of knowledge and experience working towards it. It has been long and, in many cases, tough journey and it is nowhere near end. We are continuing to gain knowledge by following the latest technological solutions and best practices available on the market to prepare a Rail Baltica Global Project in digital environment before it is even constructed in real life. We combine different technologies and methodologies to achieve the best possible and modern outcome. We try to lead the way in the digital transformation in railway project implementation. We believe that managing the data properly and in timely manner, is a way towards successful information reuse during the whole life-cycle of the project – from the idea to operations and maintenance.

BIM (Building Information Management) and GIS (Geographic Information System) Knowledge Center main purpose is to communicate RB Rail AS approach towards BIM and GIS implementation for the Rail Baltica Global Project. And while doing that to provide additional information about this topic to the public sector, supply chain and anyone who is interested in modern way of project delivery enabled by modern technologies.

RB Rail AS, as a public procurer, feels the obligation to inform the industry and the supply chain about its activities towards BIM and GIS. RB Rail wants to promote and set an example of sharing all the BIM and GIS related information starting from early development stage. To learn more, you can visit our RB Rail BIM documentation or Useful information about BIM pages.

The content of this page is managed and maintained by VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) department of RB Rail AS. To share your opinion and interact with us, please either use this form to send us your comments regarding the BIM and GIS approach and its implementation or contact RB Rail AS BIM team directly by using email: [email protected]

BIM and GIS implementation roadmap